Snow Covered Mountain Under Cloudy Sky

Team 5: The iron helmets

We are Thom, Noah, Casper and Tijmen. Students of GLR and we are the iron helmets

Monday 22-01-2024:

On monday we were introduced to the smart technologies of the IOT cubes and the censors from the dollhouse.

IOT Cube: A small cube with a lot of different sensors, for example to measure temperature (Celcius), light (Lumen), GPS and a lot more.

All this data will be send to the cloud and is viewable on the following link. (Dashboard)

Noah & Thom were working on the IOT cube and Tijmen & Casper were working on the dollhouse.

in the afternoon we were going to the beginner slope for skies. but Tijmen wasn't going.

Tuesday 23-01-2024:

On the second day we were finishing up our projects and present it to the other groups.

In the afternoon was Tijmen going with the slee, Noah, Thom and Casper were going with the skies

In the evening we were going to a fondue restaurant were we eat delicious, there was also a apreski in the same restaurant.

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Wednesday 24-01-2024

On wednesday was the day were forming the groups and we become the iron helmets

In the morning we were trying to put the IOT cube combined with the dollhouse.

The knowlegde we did up with the IOT cube and the dollhouse came handy to make this a solution.

In the afternoon we get our own lunch, after that it was time for the activities:

Thom was going to skie

Casper was going to slee

And Tijmen and Noah were walking through Savognin.

Thursday 25-01-2024:

on Thursday we created an idea what will make things a lot easier. we created the co2 meter with the IOT cubes for the dollhouses.

The co2 meter is a meter that encounter the amount of co2 for the normal users.

In the afternoon Casper and Thom were going to skie and Tijmen and Noah were go for a walk.

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Friday 26-01-2024:

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